Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cinnamon Cucumber Pickles - Yummy

I love this time of year.  The air is crisp and cool and colour is everywhere.  Living by the St. Lawrence River we are on the pathway of millions of Canadian Geese heading south for the winter.  What a great sound as they head over our home honking in the distance. 

The best part of fall is "Canning"!  If you have never tried here is a recipe that everyone will marvel at and it is different and delicious.  I discovered this recipe at an event last year and I wasn't even sure what it was made of.  I had never seen Cinnamon Pickles before.  They are made with Cinnamon Candy and Cinnamon Sticks. 

Cinnamon Cucumber Pickles
2 gallons cucumbers
3 packages of pickle crisp(Bernardin)
Day 1
Peel cucumbers, slice lengthwise and remove seeds slice about 1/4" thick
Put cucumbers into a large pot, crock or plastic pail, add the pickle crisp and fill enough water to cover the cucumbers and soak overnight.

Day 2
Drain, rinse and then cover cucumbers with clear, cook water and top with a tray of ice and let sit for 3 hours.  Drain cucumbers.
Combine the following and pour over cucumbers
1 Cup of vinegar
1 oz red food color
1 tablespoon Alum
Then add enough water to cover the cucumbers with the above on.  Bring to a boil and simmer for 2 hours.
Drain and discard the liquid.
Bring the following to a boil
3 cups of cider vinegar
2 cups water
10 cups sugar
8 cinnamon sticks
8 oz package of red hot cinnamon candy 
Pour this boiling syrup over cucumbers and let sit overnight
Day 3
Drain the syrup off the cucumbers into a pot and bring it to a boil.  Pour back over cucumbers
Day 4
Drain the syrup off the cucumbers into a pot and bring it to a boil.  Pour back over cucumbers
Day 5
Drain the syrup off the cucumbers into a pot and bring it to a boil.  Pour back over cucumbers
Bring syrup to a boil again.  Put cucumbers into sterilized jars, cover with hot syrup and seal.  Seal jars in boiling water bath for 5 - 10 minutes.

Please share your recipes with me.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

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