Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Time To Make A List

Just Like Santa

There are only 33 days until Christmas Eve....and then the time for shopping is over!  

If you haven't done so already, it is time to make a list.

I haven't sent Christmas cards for quite a few years now.  In my mind I image taking a snowy day, sitting by the fire and writing out notes to friends and tucking them into my cards.  It still is a treat to receive hand written cards from friends that you seldom see throughout the year.  I can still add that to my list but I don't have a lot of time left.

Here goes my list (or at least my first draft). 

Christmas Gift List 

Christmas Food

List for Christmas Cards

Christmas Cleaning 

Decorating Inside

Decorating Outside

Days for Shopping


With the gift basket business, it is always easy to do up a gift basket for friends and family.  It saves me time but best of all everyone really loves getting one and especially the kids.  To them it is such a treat.  It is something totally different for gift giving for them.

Don't hesitate to order gift baskets to be delivered to you for your gift giving.  Many of my customers order gift baskets to be delivered to their address for under the tree for their gift giving.  It saves you time and makes a great gift.

Happy shopping


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