Monday, December 17, 2012

Puppy Love At Christmas

What is your first thought when you see this?
 Mine is,  'sleep in heavenly peace".
How about this one?  I'm thinking, "I see mommy kissing Santa Claus".

"It'll be a blue Christmas without you"

I've taken a break from doing gift baskets.  Whatever you do don't google Christmas puppy images.  It will be way to time consuming. 
Christmas is now "8" days away.  I got a fun order today for a gift basket to go the the US.  My customer is sending it to her brother.  They both live in the US but as children lived in Canada.  I am doing a Christmas Gift Basket with a little bit of Canada...butter tarts and maple syrup and all those good things.
Need some Christmas suggestions?  Keep it simple.  Make sure you send lots of love in your gift.  I'm not suggesting you send a puppy, but send some of that feeling you get when you look at those cute little faces.  
I of course send chocolates, candy, cheese, and all those good things.  If you  want something specific or different, call me.  I will do up a gift or gift basket that is just what you want.  Plus it will be wrapped up with love.
Happy Shopping& Merry Christmas

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas & Gift Giving

 I love Christmas and the gift giving. 
 Christmas is the time to celebrate God's wonderful gift to us.
  For me, giving gifts is not being "commercial".  It is showing love and how much I care.  Yes, I can get carried away and think " I just want to spend a little more", but it is done because of my family and friends that I love and want to express it to them with more than just words.

Today I received a Christmas card and gift in the mail from my son.  I was so pleased that he took the time to send it and purchase the gift.  It wasn't that I had to have one but I thought he took the time to show me this way that  he loves me.  I knew he loved me before I received the card but this was just that reinforcement that I loved.

My website  at is not like a lot of the gift basket websites.  I have tried to create gift baskets and gifts that you would be pleased to send.  A little of me goes into the planning of the candy, cheese, etc that I purchase.  I look for items that I would be proud to send and to receive.  
Christmas is now 10 days away but there is time for shipping your gifts.  Show someone you care and that you are thinking of them and remember why we do celebrate Christmas
Jesus is the reason for the season!

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Canadian Christmas

Looking for something unique to give this Christmas?  Take a look at Mugs Depicting the "Group of Seven"  These mugs have become very popular gifts this Chrismtas.  They are a fine china, they depict scenes from the artwork of the Group of Seven and are a gift that people appreciate and use. 
Gift baskets are popular for corporate giving, but once the contents are finished it becomes "out of sight out of mind".  This is a gift that will be used and be a conversation piece. 
Don't forget there are only 19 days to go!
We ship with Fedex across Canada.  Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and areas are usually next day delivery.
Happy Shopping

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Christmas Starlight

Candles are always a perfect gift for Christmas.  Add in some old fashion Butter Crunch candy with chocolate, mints and taffy and for $38.00 you have a unique gift for someone.
As you think about gift giving, remember this is the time of year for giving to those who are in need.  There are families and children in all communities that just don't have a lot of the basics.  
I am always so thankful that I am on the giving end and not the receiving, although that can change very quickly.

We are now only 19 days away from Christmas Eve.  For shipping across Canada you need to order now.  For areas like Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal you are still okay but even Fedex gets really busy.

Please note the phone # has changed and I am trying to get it changed on the website.  To call about gift baskets, the # is